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Kim Kreamer, Pre-K Teacher

Kim Kreamer

Teacher of the Month

Mitchell Elementary welcomed a new member to the Pre-K Team this year.  Kim Kreamer brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the area of early childhood.  In addition to this, she IS optimism personified.  She brings joy to work every day and showers it generously on both students and staff.  She is patient and kind as she teaches these first-timers “how to do school.”  Her classroom is a perfect mixture of structure and discovery, and she seeks out ways to make her students feel special.  With her contribution, the PK team has become a tight group of four women who are making a huge difference with our youngest Bulldogs.  

Even during the COVID age, her optimism drives her to look at the bright side of every situation.  With the challenges that come with enticing her At-Home Pre-K students with engaging online activities or teaching safety protocols to her On-Campus Pre-K students in the classroom, she approaches each task with cheerfulness.  She reaches out to her students learning from home and ensures that they feel welcome to join their on-campus friends during morning meeting.  She works with them individually and in groups to assess and stretch their academic skills.  If a student at home does not have technology, she goes to great lengths to connect with them in any way possible.  For students who learn with her in person each day, the classroom is a happy and friendly world of discovery and delight.  She implements new ways to help individual students with their unique needs and captures learning opportunities that inspire students to grow.  Even Show-and-Tell becomes an opportunity to review concepts learned during the week as well as celebrate each child.  Her stations are mindful, and students know the routine of cleaning up and sanitizing hands before moving on to the next adventure.  Each day, they sing, they learn, they play, they dance, they build, they write, they draw, they laugh.  Mostly, they feel loved.  

Kim has added so much value to an already strong Pre-K team.  One teacher praised her by saying, “Kim is a team player and is constantly looking for new ways to grow, learn, and teach.”  We are blessed to have her at Mitchell Elementary.

Published inBulldog Rally

One Comment

  1. Ashley Taylor Ashley Taylor

    Congratulations Mrs. Kreamer!! Well deserved, my daughter loves her and going to her class everyday 🙂💕

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