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Month: February 2021

Mitchell Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge is in full swing at Mitchell Elementary School! Our students are working hard to make a difference. Any student that completes Finn’s Mission on or the Kids Heart Challenge app will get in the 2nd drawing for a mystery prize!

Our school goal is to raise $5,000 toward the fight against heart disease! When we do, we will earn $500 in resources for our gym! Also, any student who raises $150 will get to SLIME Coach Phipps!!!

¡Kids Heart Challenge está muy bien en Mitchell Elementary School! ¡Cualquier estudiante que complete la misión de Finn en o la aplicación Kids Heart Challenge recibirá un segundo sorteo para un premio sorpresa! Vaya en línea en


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100 Things I 💙 About Mitchell 🐾

In honor of the 100th day of school, here are some of my favorite things:

  1. Pizza day in the cafeteria
  2. The peace during naptime in Pre-K
  3. Harvey Mitchell wearing his face mask every day
  4. Bulldog Bistro sign in the cafeteria (thanks Mr. Godfrey)
  5. Library counters displaying books, books, books
  6. The building is sparking clean every day
  7. Living out philanthropy by participating in Kids Heart Challenge
  8. Happy visit in the principal’s office
  9. Mindfulness practices in specials and the classroom
  10. Bulldog Blasts: shoutouts from one student to another
  11. Students being able to recite and live their Bulldog BEST
  12. Seeing students fun masks every day
  13. Volcanos that erupt at Mitchell every January
  14. Donations to create a collection of rhythm “instruments”
  15. Hands-on activities to help new learning sink in
  16. Christmas & Valentines parties during a pandemic
  17. Run club during specials
  18. Playground antics
  19. Sidewalk chalk for fun and learning
  20. Morning video announcements to celebrate our Bulldogs
  21. Financial Literacy project in 3rd grade
  22. Skippity walking feet in the hallway
  23. Smiling eyes from our masked Bulldogs
  24. Newline interactive TVs in most classrooms
  25. Flashlight reading for fun in 1st grade
  26. Pre-K students commit to the Safe Keeper’s Box
  27. Gratitude tree by the cafeteria
  28. PTO supports and encourages our teachers
  29. Watching new life as chicks hatch in 1st grade
  30. Chromebooks, iPads, and computers for student use
  31. Lots of grant opportunities…and lots of wins!
  32. Monthly teacher of the month recognitions
  33. Critter collection in 4th grade
  34. Pods that allow for collaboration
  35. New cafeteria tables
  36. Friday movie day for good behavior in the cafeteria
  37. Scholastic Book Fair (online this year)
  38. Friendly front office staff
  39. Donations of PPE from Texas A&M University
  40. Kona Ice fundraisers
  41. Baking a synthesis cake in 4th grade
  42. Woot Woot cart for teachers
  43. Fall Teacher Appreciation (new annual event?)
  44. Maintenance and custodial staff are top notch
  45. Box Tops for Education
  46. Homemade plexiglass dividers to keep students safe
  47. Students being greeted every morning by staff members
  48. Teachers opening their classrooms for morning breakfast
  49. Fine arts instruction that develops high skills
  50. Restorative discipline practices
  51. Student work displayed in the hallway
  52. Mitchell Motto: Work Hard, Be Kind, That’s All!
  53. Mobile carts for Art and Music
  54. Dance break during morning attendance
  55. Ordering lunch with a 1, 2, 3, or 4
  56. Token charts
  57. Bulldog Paws for extra recess
  58. Chicken Wing, Chicken Wing, Hot Dog and Baloney
  59. Birthday books for Bulldog birthday friends
  60. Pete giving a thumbs up
  61. Safe spaces in every classroom
  62. Morning cartoons during breakfast
  63. Fence surrounding the back playground area
  64. Campus artwork that JUMPS off the wall
  65. Dream Big t-shirts from PTO
  66. Car rider tags
  67. Disinfection Wednesdays and Fridays
  68. Amazing Students of Character
  69. Social contracts for treatment agreements in every room
  70. The Kennel (but missing the face-to-face)
  71. Fun snacks in the cafeteria
  72. Paraprofessionals that do WHATEVER is needed
  73. Breathing apps and strategies
  74. Small group and individual counseling
  75. Texas Reads One Book
  76. Birthday hats in Kindergarten
  77. KBTX Daily Pledge
  78. Facebook posts
  79. New Science equipment in 3rd grade
  80. Winter Break Bingo
  81. Water bottles in the classroom
  82. Bulldog Bulletin
  83. Early Release Wednesdays
  84. Book Character Day
  85. Essential 8 lessons and activities
  86. Small group Guided Reading lessons
  87. Instructional Coaches that are amazing
  88. Ice Cream on Fridays in the cafeteria
  89. 4th graders in the hallway ~ quiet as a mouse
  90. Online Zoom meetings with students, parents, and staff
  91. Bus drivers and bus monitors
  92. Alpha Best in the afternoons
  93. PE on the outdoor basketball court
  94. Parents who are flexible and accepting of safety protocols
  95. Social skills lessons to support academics
  96. Lysol spray and Clorox wipes
  97. Paw prints and hearts
  98. Making friends and holding hands
  99. Playing hard at recess
  100. Teachers who give and give and give!
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Multicultural Literature

Kerry Gray, the Mitchell Elementary Librarian, wrote and received a grant to purchase books to expand our multicultural selections for our students. Today, our books better mirror our student population. This month, we will highlight just of the few books that our students can check out.

Zuri wakes up on a very special day and needs a perfect hairstyle. The young black girl thinks of the wondrous things her hair can do and how it reflects her personality: “I love that my hair lets me be me!”
As a young girl, Sharon Langley was forbidden to ride the carousel at Gwyn Oak Amusement Park in Baltimore because of her race. This picture book tells the story of how the park was desegregated in the summer of 1963. Following desegregation, the Langleys were the first African American family to walk into the park.
Ada is fascinated by all things science, and spends her time actively seeking answers to her numerous questions about the world. When a family friend goes airborne in a pair of inflatable pants and can’t land himself, Ada joins forces with friends Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck to devise a scientific plan to bring Uncle Ned home. 
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