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Multicultural Literature

Kerry Gray, the Mitchell Elementary Librarian, wrote and received a grant to purchase books to expand our multicultural selections for our students. Today, our books better mirror our student population. This month, we will highlight just of the few books that our students can check out.

Zuri wakes up on a very special day and needs a perfect hairstyle. The young black girl thinks of the wondrous things her hair can do and how it reflects her personality: “I love that my hair lets me be me!”
As a young girl, Sharon Langley was forbidden to ride the carousel at Gwyn Oak Amusement Park in Baltimore because of her race. This picture book tells the story of how the park was desegregated in the summer of 1963. Following desegregation, the Langleys were the first African American family to walk into the park.
Ada is fascinated by all things science, and spends her time actively seeking answers to her numerous questions about the world. When a family friend goes airborne in a pair of inflatable pants and can’t land himself, Ada joins forces with friends Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck to devise a scientific plan to bring Uncle Ned home. 
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