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4th Grade Transition to Intermediate School

 A smooth transition from elementary to intermediate is key to Academic and Social-Emotional SUCCESS.  Here are a few tips for SUCCESS:

Believe in Yourself
Set Positive Realistic Goals
Use your Social Skills and  practice the Essential Eight
Practice Good Decision Making: Get to class on time, surround yourself with positive influences, etc
Ask for help when you need it
Keep/set boundaries with growth
Use what you know about your child…
Avoid rescuing but be supportive
Encourage decision-making using cause and effect
Encourage responsibility (self, actions, organization, homework)
Get involved with the Intermediate PTSO, volunteer, sponsor a club, contact teachers
Where is my student zoned to go?
Jane Long Intermediate School
1106 N Harvey Mitchell Parkway
Bryan, TX 77803

Sam Rayburn Intermediate School
1048 N Earl Rudder Freeway
Bryan, TX 77802
What is Next?
See Timeline dates and mark your calendar:

January  11 ~ Bryan ISD Transfer Window Open

January 5  – January 31 ~ Advanced Academics 
Applications for INQUIRE and Odyssey Academy available online

January 11 @ 6:00PM ~ Virtual Inquire Information Night,       
Inquire Academy is the Gifted and Talented Magnet School
located at Long Intermediate School. 
Application required, available online, deadline January 31

January 14 @ 6:00PM ~ Virtual Odyssey Information Night,
Odyssey  is the STEM Academy – (Sci, Tech,Engineer, Math)
located at Rayburn Intermediate School
Application required, available online, deadline January 31

January 19 @ 7:45AM ~ Virtual Transition to Intermediate School for Mitchell 4th graders and parents
Repeat session on January 21 at 5:30PM

January 19 ~ Intermediate Course Guides and Registration Pages will be sent home

January 21 @ 5:30PM ~ Virtual Transition to Intermediate School for Mitchell 4th graders and parents

January 25-29 ~ 4th graders will have a Virtual visit to their Intermediate School they are zoned to attend. 

January 25 @ 6:00PM ~ Jane Long and Sam Rayburn Virtual Information Night for incoming 5th graders (more information to come)

January 31~ Deadline for Applications for INQUIRE and Odyssey 
Remember,  ALL applications are submitted online.  

February 5 ~ Deadline for Course Request Forms (Registration forms) to be turned in to Mrs. Skelton, Mitchell’s counselor

February 12 ~ Program Acceptance Letters for Inquire and Odyssey are mailed

February 15 ~ Bryan ISD Transfer Window Closes


Contact Mrs. Becky Skelton at (979) 209 – 1431
or via email at

Virtual Office Hours and Links: 

Mondays @ 1:30pm:
Fridays @ 1:30pm:

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