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Celebrating Positive Behavior

Mitchell Elementary is committed to celebrating the great behaviors of our students on campus. Many of our strategies encourage students to demonstrate their Bulldog BEST. These ideas include: (1) Believe in yourself, (2) Encourage others, (3) Show ownership, and 4) Take part in the team. Here are just a few of the strategies we’ve implemented:

  • Bulldog Blast ~ Teachers and students can recognize students for showing their Bulldog BEST. These Blasts are read each morning on the announcements. If your child receives a blast, it is sent home to share with parents. You are welcome to join us daily at 7:25 a.m. using this Morning Announcement Link.
  • PAWS ~ When the administration see a whole class demonstrating their Bulldog BEST, they earn a PAW. Once a class earns 5 PAWS, they get an extra recess.
  • Movie Tickets ~ Each day, grade levels can earn a ticket in the cafeteria if they follow general safety protocols and indoor voice levels at lunch. If they earn 3 tickets during the week, they may watch a movie during lunch on Friday.
  • Wonderful Wednesday ~ Each Wednesday during the morning announcements, students are able to watch a Bulldog Update video with students answering various questions about school. (This past week, we learned about some favorite meals in the cafeteria.) During lunch on Wednesday, students will participate in a modified Bulldog Rally to celebrate all things for their grade level.
  • Birthday Celebrations ~ While this isn’t based on behavior, it is a great way to celebrate our students. Each morning, all birthday friends are identified on the announcements and invited to visit the principal’s office. When they arrive in Ms. Hedstrom’s office, they choose a birthday bracelet, birthday pencil, birthday bookmark, and birthday book for them to keep.
  • Class/Grade Level Incentives ~ Each grade level incorporates their own strategies based on targeted skills. Some earn Bulldog Bucks, some earn points. These “tokens” can be redeemed for various activities or rewards.
Published inMessage from Mitchell

One Comment

  1. Eva Trejo Eva Trejo

    I think this is really awesome!! My grandsons Logan & Braylon Garza are going to love this

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