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Month: October 2020

Practice Makes Perfect

We show our Bulldog BEST when we

  • Believe in ourself,
  • Encourage others,
  • Show ownership, and
  • Take part in the team.

We also show our Bulldog BEST when we practice difficult tasks so we can get better – whether it’s academics or behaviors.

  • Our students practice difficult academic tasks during our Bulldog U intervention period, working with teachers or tutors on targeted areas of improvement. They practice in the classroom within small groups or through independent practice. Our teachers are committed to working with our students so they can get better.
  • Mitchell Elementary has implemented Practice Academy for our students who are struggling with social skills or disruptive behaviors in the classroom. We believe that practice, not punishment, is the first step in changing behavior. Our teachers and administration are committed to working with our students so they can get better.

If you have questions about Academic Interventions, contact your child’s teacher or the Principal, Shari Hedstrom, at If you have questions about Practice Academy, contact the Assistant Principal, Sharyn Womble, at

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