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Month: September 2020

Face Masks

Harvey Mitchell and Ms. Hedstrom want to remind you that masks will be required for all Bryan ISD students (PreK-12 grade) at the beginning of the 2nd Six Weeks on Monday, September 28.

Thanks to our students & staff who have done a fantastic job of wearing facial coverings so far. We appreciate your continued support.

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September 28-October 2

Take Time to Thank a Teacher

Shout out on social media using #ThankABryanISDTeacher ~ post a video, picture, or story.

Write a note of thanks ~ handwritten and delivered by your child or emailed directly to the teacher

Give a small gift that is a token of your appreciation.

Tell them “Thank You” if you see them on Zoom or a Hangout

Monday, September 28

Tuesday, September 29

Wednesday, September 30

Thursday, October 1

Friday, October 2

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Six Weeks Transition

The first six weeks ends on Friday. Students will have this week to finalize all assignments in the grade book. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

During the 1st six weeks, we had 139 students (37%) who were participating in At-Home learning. Many students plan to return to On-Campus learning beginning September 28. Currently, we only have 66 students (17%) who have signed up for At-Home learning for the 2nd six weeks.

While we have sought to provide a quality education through Schoology, we have also found that grades and attendance are far below the performance of our On-Campus learners. In addition, opportunities for math and reading intervention will begin fully during the 2nd six weeks, and At-Home students will miss out on these foundational learning experiences.

Mitchell Elementary is still taking requests to change from At-Home to On-Campus learning. If you feel this would help your child academically and socially, please contact Heaven Wells at 209-1400.

We look forward to providing a quality education for all students. We ask that you partner with us by sending your On-Campus child to school every day or ensuring your At-Home child completes all Schoology assignments every day.

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Updated Routes

Transportation will email all parents and students with their updated route information Friday 9/18/2020. They will provide each campus with the routing information of students that do not have an email address. Any new registrations after the emails are sent out will receive a call or email from the transportation department with new route information.

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Instructional Model

This is just a reminder that you have the opportunity to change your child’s instructional model (at-home or on-campus) for the 2nd Six Weeks of school.

If you have already submitted the form to change, or if you do not wish to change your child’s instructional model for the second six weeks of school, you do not need to do anything.

If you would like to change your child’s instructional model for the 2nd Six Weeks of school and have not filled out the form, you must click here and fill out this form before Monday, September 14.

You must complete a form for each child you would like to change for the 2nd Six Weeks.

The 2nd Six Weeks of school will begin on Monday, September 28.

Please note, beginning the 2nd Six Weeks of school, children in grades prekindergarten through 2nd will be required to wear face masks.  Children in grades 3-12 are already required to wear face masks.

If you have any questions, please contact Mitchell Elementary at 209-1400.

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Cliff Phipps, PE Coach

Cliff Phipps

Teacher of the Month

Mitchell Elementary scored big when Cliff Phipps joined our team.  He stepped in this year and took over our PE classes, and he has already made his mark with both students and staff.

His positive attitude inspires students who excel in athletic endeavors, but he also encourages those who are a bit hesitant or who are growing into their bodies.  Regardless of their skill level, he helps them get to the next level.  But it’s not just about physical abilities.  He sees the bigger picture when it comes to the students he teaches.  Through his caring attitude, his offers of support, and his practical advice, he is able to meet the needs of the whole child.  He teaches every student every day in PE.  As a result, he has been able to build relationships with all of them very quickly.  The laughter and smiles indicate he’s successfully created an environment that is welcoming and engaging. 

If there’s an extra task that needs to be accomplished or a job that needs to be done, he just steps in without being asked.  His smile greeted students and parents at material pick-up before school started, and his smile sends students off each day as they load the bus.  Teachers can always count on him to step in, even in the hallway, to encourage students to be their Bulldog BEST.  He models safety protocols by always wearing his mask in the building and encouraging students to maintain distance.  

Cliff has brought joy to our campus and shares it generously with others.  One teacher praised him by saying, “I enjoy working with Coach Phipps because he loves my kids as much as I do.”  We are blessed to have him on our team!

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