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Month: August 2020

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Mitchell Elementary implements strategies that promote positive behaviors for all students.

We believe that healthy relationships are essential to successful classes and that it is possible to restore relationships when problems occur.

We believe that staff should set the tone by interacting with students in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.

We believe that clearly communicating expectations leads to increased confidence and reduced uncertainty.

We believe that partnering with parents is most important, and we seek to communicate sooner than later.

We believe in doing our Bulldog B.E.S.T.

  • Believe in Yourself
  • Encourage Others
  • Show Ownership
  • Take Part in the Team

We believe in strengthening character through daily Essential 8 lessons.

  • Kindness
  • Tolerance
  • Gratitude
  • Philanthropy
  • Work Ethic
  • Optimism
  • Courage
  • Leadership
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At-Home Attendance

At-Home learners will be counted present if they complete at least one of the following activities by 11:59 pm:

  • Daily progress within Schoology based on planned activities for each day in each class(ex: bell ringer, discussion topics, mastery checks) 
  • Daily progress via teacher-student interactions (ex: phone call, video conference during office hours, message discussion through LMS, email)
  • Submission of completed assignments
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Teacher Work Hours

Thank you again for making this a wonderful start to the school year.  As we’re not even a week in, I know everyone is still working on adjusting to their new schedules.  As we look through Schoology logins, we know that students are accessing the site, and completing lessons from early in the morning until late into the night.  Thank you for ensuring your child is logging in by 11:59 p.m. and completing their assignments, so they are counted present for that day.

As we continue working through these new schedules, please know that our teacher’s work hours remain 7:00-3:30.  If you have a question about an assignment after hours, please continue to contact your child’s teacher through Schoology, but know they may not answer until the next day.  Our District expectation is that you will receive an answer within 24 hours. 

Thank you for understanding the importance of our teachers maintaining a healthy balance between school and home life. This is a new chapter for all of us and we couldn’t turn the pages without you. 


Mitchell Elementary Principal

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Neck Gaiters

Bulldog PAC (formerly PTO) has purchased neck gaiters for ever student at Mitchell Elementary. Your child’s gaiter will be handed out to students on Monday.

Using a neck gaiter reduces contact with surfaces during mask breaks and at lunch. These can be washed nightly or rotated with other face coverings.

We encourage students to wear the neck gaiter or a mask each day to school. All 3rd and 4th graders are required to wear a mask or other covering. We highly recommend masks or gaiters for Pre-K through 2nd grade.

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On-line Testing for Students

Our 1st-4th grade At-Home Learners will be taking all their District-Based Assessments (unit tests) on the computer. This is new for students, so it would be beneficial for you to sit with your child to view this instructional video:

The student experience video – This is a video for students showing them how to get in to take a test in Eduphoria.  The test shown in the video will be the best way for students to practice actually taking a test.  

Our first District-Based Assessments will begin the week of September 14.

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At-Home & On-Campus Reminders

The 2020-2021 school year has launched, and I couldn’t be more proud of our students, parents, and staff! While this year may look a little different, we are committed to providing our BEST for both our At-Home and On-Campus learners.


Students are expected to complete work for each class daily. Establish a schedule for your child and join the class live if your teacher provides that opportunity.

If your child still doesn’t have technology, contact the front office (979.209.1400) to verify your information is correct in the system. Once the change has been entered, it will take approximately 2 days to process the request. If your child is in Pre-K, Kinder, or 1st Grade, the technology has not arrived yet. Once it is on campus, the school will contact you to come pick it up.

If you have technology but your child is having technical issues:

Curbside meal pick-up is available for At-Home learners:


Our school day begins as 7:35 and ends at 3:10. If your child is late or you check them out early, bring your phone into the vestibule. You will sign your child in or out using a QR Code that links to a Google Form. We will begin counting tardies starting Monday, August 24.

BISD policy states that all staff, visitors, and 3rd-4th grade students will wear masks in the building. We are strongly encouraging our Pre-K through 2nd grade students to wear one as well. Our teachers are providing masks breaks regularly within the school day.

Don’t forget to set up an account with SchoolCafe:


This is a new journey for all of us, students and staff alike, but we will fully serve both At-Home and On-Campus students to the best of our ability. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or concerns.

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Dream BIG T-Shirts

The PTO has purchased a Dream BIG t-shirt for every student at Mitchell.

If you have not received your child’s shirt yet, please call the office (979.209.1400) to request a shirt. We will send it home in your child’s backpack.