Grades Info

Now that school is up and running strong, we just wanted to share some quick information about grades.

Your student’s official grade, that will be on the progress report, is found through Home Access Center (HAC) on your students’s Classlink page. The grade that is on Schoology is NOT ACCURATE and is not the office grade for the course!

Also, there are 3 different types of grade codes you could see in HAC. The first is an M, which means that assignment is MISSING, and is a zero. The second is an X, and that means EXEMPT, and does NOT count against your student. The last is a blank, and that just means the teacher put the assignment in, but has not entered the grade yet!

The first progress report was published in HAC last week for parents and students.

If you have any further questions about grades, please reach out to your student’s teacher!