Welcome back! We are excited to see you all through our computer screens! Below, we have some important information for parents to know:
After reviewing your student’s schedule in HAC, it is important that you help them come up with a routine to stay focused and on track. We recommend they follow their school schedule, just like if they were in school on the Bryan Collegiate Campus. If they have math 1st period, then they start with math, then move 2nd period, and so on.
Families should expect that students engage in at least a total of four to six hours of coursework each school day, but this can be broken into smaller segments of time. Students will experience a full course load of instruction and assignments that is comparable to what students who are attending school on-campus will be required to complete. All online students must complete their assigned work during the school day each day.
For tutorial videos on Schoology, please see the links below.