The staff at Bryan Collegiate High School proudly nominates Mrs. Rebekah Reed as the secondary teacher of the month for Bryan ISD for December 2019. Mrs. Reed has quickly grown to be an integral part of the Bryan Collegiate faculty since she started her teaching career at Bryan Collegiate just a few months ago. When we knew the campus would have an English opening we started looking for the right candidate immediately. When Mrs. Reed’s application came across the interview committee, they reached out to see if she was available to interview, but alas, she was not able to drive to Bryan to interview, but she was open to interviewing later in the month if the position was still available. After interviewing several more candidates, we went back to the drawing board and remembered that Mrs. Reed’s application was still on file. After reaching out to her a second time, an interview was set up, she drove to Bryan, and we offered her the position that same day!
Since beginning her time at Collegiate, Mrs. Reed has worked incredibly hard to be the best she can possible be. One of her colleagues commented that “Being a first-year teacher is hard. We all know this. But Rebekah has shown the COURAGE and tenacity to jump right into this profession in an exceptional manner. Despite already teaching at the level of most second or third year teachers, Rebekah has the humility to identify where she still needs to improve and the open-mindedness to ask veteran teachers for advice and counsel.” Mrs. Reed continually asks the tough questions to her team and administrators because there is a genuine drive to be better with each passing day.
Through all of the challenges that come to a first year teacher, she has further stepped out of her comfort zone to volunteer to sponsor student clubs at BCHS. Mrs. Reed has stepped up and offered to give up her current club to another teacher who shares a passion for that club, and in turn, she has started another one! For the first time that I can recall, Bryan Collegiate will have a singing club! Mrs. Reed has shown some genuine COURAGE in putting in a lot of time and thought in to create the BCHS Choral Club! One of her students mentioned that “She has put a lot of thought into how the club should be run and make it a positive experience for the students. She is an important part of our BCHS culture!”.
Mrs. Reed’s tremendous work ethic and personality brings a smile to many faces daily in the halls of BCHS and her overall positive disposition is something to take note of. In light of all of these things, we are very fortunate to have Rebekah Reed as part of the team at BCHS and we are excited that she is our teacher of the month nominee for December 2019.