Parents & Students:
It is with mixed emotion that I share with you that I have accepted a new position within Bryan ISD as the Executive Director of Human Resources. I always knew that I wanted to work with high school students, and my time at Bryan Collegiate has allowed me to have that experience with impacting the lives of many students over the past sixteen years. In light of this, I believe that the work that the Bryan Collegiate staff does makes a tremendous impact in the lives of students and families in our community and that will remain unchanged.
The Bryan ISD Leadership Team, the Bryan Collegiate Leadership team and myself are working together to implement a transition plan to ensure the continued success at Bryan Collegiate. I will begin splitting my time between Bryan Collegiate and my new role immediately but will continue to support Bryan Collegiate until a new principal is named.
Thank you for your unwavering support for Bryan Collegiate and its continued success.
With Gratitude,
Mr. Roberts
Padres y estudiantes:
Con emociones encontradas les comparto que he aceptado un nuevo puesto dentro de Bryan ISD como Director Ejecutivo de Recursos Humanos. Siempre supe que quería trabajar con estudiantes de preparatoria y mi tiempo en Bryan Collegiate me ha permitido tener esa experiencia de impactar las vidas de muchos estudiantes durante los últimos dieciséis años. En vista de esto, creo que el trabajo que realiza el personal de Bryan Collegiate tiene un tremendo impacto en las vidas de los estudiantes y las familias de nuestra comunidad y eso permanecerá sin cambios.
El equipo de liderazgo de Bryan ISD, Bryan Collegiate y yo estamos trabajando juntos para implementar un plan de transición para garantizar el éxito continuo en Bryan Collegiate. Comenzaré a dividir mi tiempo entre Bryan Collegiate y mi nuevo rol de inmediato, pero continuaré apoyando a Bryan Collegiate hasta que se nombre un nuevo director.
Gracias por su apoyo incondicional a Bryan Collegiate y su éxito continuo.Con gratitud,
Sr. Roberts