We had a terrific first week of the 3rd Six Weeks! A few points of information for parents:
- Please remember that we can accept NO deliveries for students. This includes lunches, flowers, etc…
- All students are required to wear a mask while in the building. We have some masks on campus to give students if students need a mask because theirs broke, become torn, etc…
- All on campus students do have to wear their ID while in the building at Bryan Collegiate. This is very important since everyone is wear masks and we want to ensure everyone’s safety.
- For 11th and 12th grade students – the GoCenter is available for students to work and use during the day, but it is no longer a place for students to hang out to wait for their next class. If students have questions or concerns about this, please have them speak to a Bryan Collegiate administrator about it.
- Saturday School is up and running for students who need a quiet place to work on Saturdays. Saturday School is from 8am-12pm each Saturday and is available for Face-to-Face students. There will also be a math teacher available at Saturday school for math tutoring on Nov 14th, Dec 5th and Dec 12th.
- For everyone’s safety, please do not send your students to school if they are feeling ill.