Alumni Spotlight

Each week, we will be spotlighting a Bryan Collegiate alumni and what they are doing now!

Name: Todd Spillers, Jr.

When did you graduate from Bryan Collegiate? May 2012

What college/university did you attend? Texas A&M University

When did you graduate from your college/university? May 2016

What did you major in at your college/university? Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Masters of Science in Accounting

What are you doing now? Started teaching high school math and is currently teaching high school math at Round Rock Early College High School.

What advice do you have for current Bryan Collegiate students? First, persevere because the hard work you put in now pays off. Second, the classes that make you struggle are the classes that provide the most opportunity for growth. Third, seek balance. The time you put in working hard need to be balanced with opportunities for you to recharge. This balance isn’t necessarily an even split between work and play, but making sure you have opportunities for play built into your days or weeks gives you an opportunity to recharge and refocus. Balance is necessary in order to avoid burnout and to maintain your productivity.