The staff and students of Bryan Collegiate High School proudly nominate Mrs. Aubany Moon as the Bryan ISD secondary teacher of the month for October 2019. Mrs. Moon has been at Bryan Collegiate since her student teaching semester at BCHS in the Spring of 2013. Since acquiring a “Rock Star Teacher” status, she has helped BCHS develop and implement some great things on campus and we want to tell you why she should be Bryan ISD’s secondary teacher of the month and how she embodies the Essential Eight characteristic of WORK ETHIC!
Mrs. Moon is always trying to find ways to enrich the education that students at Collegiate receive. In her early years at BCHS, she chaperoned a trip to Galveston Bay for Biology students to do some very hands on learning activities such as basic birdwatching, how to identify animal tracks in the sand, as well as seining in the ocean to identify species of aquatic life. When this trip was no longer a viable option for students to get some hands-on Biology experiences, she started a new club at Collegiate. This year is the first year for the Bryan Collegiate Naturalists Club – and it has already been a hit and has even garnered the attention of The Eagle newspaper a few weeks ago! Aubany shares a true love for science with her students by getting up on Saturday mornings to go bird watching. Who else, besides a passionate educator, would want to get up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning to spend a few hours with a bunch of teenagers to share her love for science. This is true WORK ETHIC.
Mrs. Moon has also been instrumental in getting BCHS students overseas! A few years ago she and another teacher paired up with a student travel company to get students to go overseas. Since starting, they have been to Belize, the United Kingdom, Spain, most recently Costa Rica; and yet again, this caught the attention of The Eagle newspaper and there was an article about the Costa Rica trip. These trips are a great example of getting kids from Bryan Texas to expand their worldview and participate in some serious learning outside of the classroom. And again, who else, besides a passionate educator, would want to give up their spring break or part of their summer break to travel the world with high school students? This is true WORK ETHIC.
There are countless other examples of her WORK ETHIC in all that she does to make Bryan Collegiate what it is – she’s the Student Council Sponsor, she helps grow Student Leaders through our campus Social Emotional Learning initiative and she meets with them every Monday afternoon, she is co-sponsor for the National Honor Society, she is the Science department leader, and the list goes on… One of her colleagues said that “Aubany embodies Work Ethic better than almost anyone I know. She’s brilliant, but that’s not what makes her unique. It’s the combination of brilliance and work ethic. She has shown over and over again that she can be counted on, because she stays late, works nonstop, and just plain gets it done!”
Aubany’s incredible WORK ETHIC has consistently demonstrated what it takes to be successful in and out of the classroom. She is a positive role model for all of our students and a tremendous asset to the BCHS community for enriching the lives of so many current and former BCHS students. It is for these reasons that we are proud to nominate Mrs. Aubany Moon for the Bryan Collegiate High School teacher of the month for October 2019.